Wilson’s Ice Cream & Rain

Title: Wilson’s Ice Cream & Rain

Dimensions: 14×18

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Sunshine & Tall Grass

Title: Sunshine & Tall Grass

Dimensions: 16×20

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Sunny Dunes

Title: Sunny Dunes

Dimensions: 18×24

Medium: Watercolor


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Sunday Stroll

Title: Sunday Stroll

Dimensions: 16×20

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Storm Coming

Title: Storm Coming

Dimensions: 11×14

Medium: Oil on canvas

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Snowy Farm House

Title: Snowy Farm House

Dimensions: 18×24

Medium: Watercolor


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Smoke House & Buoys

Title: Smoke House & Buoys

Dimensions: 20×24

Medium: Oil on canvas

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Prospect Mansions

Title: Prospect Mansions

Dimensions: 18×24

Medium: Oil on canvas

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Pierce & 2nd Street

Title: Pierce & 2nd Street

Dimensions: 32×31

Medium: Watercolor


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Pagoda Gift Shop

Title: Pagoda Gift Shop

Dimensions: 9×12

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Milk House

Title: Milk House

Dimensions: 16×20

Medium: Oil on linen

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Java Coffee House

Title: Java Coffee House

Dimensions: 16×20

Medium: Oil on linen


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Her Special Garden

Title: Her Special Garden

Dimensions: 12×16

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Early Morning Reflections

Title: Early Morning Reflections

Dimensions: 12×16

Medium: Oil on canvas


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Down The Avenue

Title: Down The Avenue

Dimensions: 30×40

Medium: Oil on canvas


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City Hall Light

Title: City Hall Light

Dimensions: 23×31

Medium: Watercolor


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Cedarburg June Afternoon

Title: Cedarburg June Afternoon

Dimensions: 12×16

Medium: Oil on canvas

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Bridal Wreath

Title: Bridal Wreath

Dimensions: 23×31

Medium: Watercolor


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